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The god Osiris, in his tall white headdress, represents in Egyptian tombs the idea of resurrection in the next world

Babylon is destroyed by the Hittites, invaders from Anatolia, but reestablishes itself in subsequent centuries

The eruption of a volcano, on the island of Thera, entombs and preserves houses with frescoes in the Minoan city of Akrotiri

The Maya are believed to have lived in the same region from about 1500 BC to the present day - America's longest example of continuity

A copper trumpet is in use in Egypt, forerunner of the brass instruments of the orchestra

The Slavs settle in the regions of eastern Europe and western Russia

The temples of Karnak and Luxor, in ancient Thebes, introduce the massive stone architecture of column and lintel

On the grass plains of north America humans gradually hunt to extiinction several American species, including the camel, mammoth and horse

The gods Amen and Re are merged at Thebes as Amen-Re, the most important deity in the Egyptian pantheon

Texts written at Mycenae, in the script known as Linear B, are the earliest surviving version of Greek

The camel, in both its single-humped and double-humped varieties, is domesticated in north Africa and Asia

The Chinese develop a form of scroll, made of strips of bamboo threaded together and rolled up like a wooden blind

The composite bow, accurate to 200 yards, is used by warriors in Asia fighting from chariots and on horseback

The first steps towards a phonetic alphabet are taken in Phoenicia

The Hittites, in Anatolia, are the first people to work iron - introducing what is later called the Iron Age

The Aryans bring into India the roots of Hinduism, with the Brahmans as a priestly caste

Sacrificial hymns of the Aryans, gathered in the Rigveda, become the earliest Sanskrit literature

Hatshepsut takes power in Egypt, and is unusual in being a female pharaoh

The Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III defeats his enemies at Megiddo, in history's first fully described battle and siege

Rich Egyptian households have the latest luxury items, small bottles of coloured glass to hold cosmetics

All the towns and palaces of Crete, except Knossos itself, are destroyed by fire - probably by invaders from Mycenae

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