Events relating to russia

Diaghilev presents the first season of Ballets Russes in Paris, with Pavlova and Nijinsky in the company

Wassily Kandinsky's paintings entitled Compositions are the first examples of purely abstract art

The Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, wandering from home in midwinter, dies of pneumonia in the stationmaster's house at Astapovo

Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova settles in London and forms her own touring company

The 'Workers' Newspaper' Pravda (meaning 'Truth') publishes its first issue in St Petersburg

The Russian painter and sculptor Vladimir Tatlin develops an abstract style to which he gives the name Constructivism

Germany promises to support Austria-Hungary if a strike against Serbia provokes war with Russia

Kasimir Malevich exhibits his painting Black Square in Petrograd, in the final Futurist exhibition

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