All Events

In the referendum to endorse the Good Friday Agreement, the terms are accepted by majorities in both the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Anthony Gormley's massive metal Angel of the North is erected near Gateshead in northern England

President Suharto is finally forced to resign, after more than 30 corrupt and embezzling years as Indonesia's dictator

Neighbouring African nations, with an interest in Congo's mineral wealth, take part on both sides in a developing civil war

The TV quiz Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, hosted by Chris Tarrant, has its first transmission in the UK

Violent gangs, calling themselves the Mugabe War Veterans Association, start to 'liberate' more than 100,000 sq km of white-owned farmland in Zimbabwe

Michael Frayn's play Copenhagen dramatizes the visit of Werner Heisenberg to Niels Bohr in wartime Denmark

The Real IRA kills 26 people and injures about 200 with a bomb planted in Omagh, in northern Ireland

US cruise missiles attack al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical factory in Khartoum

John Madden directs Shakespeare in Love, a romantic comedy set in Elizabethan London

SPD leader Gerhard Schröder replaces Helmut Kohl as German chancellor, in a coalition with the Green party

Civil war begins in Kosovo with a guerrilla campaign by Albanians in the Kosovo Liberation Army

Steps are taken to end Sudan's fifteen-year civil war, with an undated government promise of a referendum in the south

Brutal reprisals by Serb troops against Albanians in Kosovo include systematic ethnic cleansing

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