All Events

Irish author Marina Carr's play Portia Coughlin is performed at the Abbey Theatre

A fatal variant CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease) is first identified in Britain, linked to BSE but capable of infecting humans

Bill Clinton wins re-election as US president, defeating Republican candidate Bob Dole

Dolly the Sheep is cloned in an epoch-making experiment at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh

Former US Secretary of State James Baker undertakes the difficult task of trying to find a compromise between the Polisario and Morocco over Western Sahara

James Cameron directs Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Wiinslet in the film Titanic, based on the 1912 disaster

Ghanaian diplomat Kofi Annan is appointed secretary-general of the United Nations, becoming the first black African in the post

Thousands of Shia Muslims are massacred by the Taliban in Mazar-e-Sharif, in a brief spell before they are driven from the city

Danish choreographer Peter Schaufuss founds his own ballet company at Holstebro

In Canada's general election the Bloc Québecois lose their position as official opposition to the Liberal government

Sojourner, a robot roving vehicle, detaches from Mars Pathfinder to analyse the surface of the planet

Aung San Suu Kyi's husband is diagnosed in England with cancer, but is refused an entry visa to Burma

The Australian report Bringing Them Home confirms widespread forcible removal of Aboriginal children from their parents

Diana, the Princess of Wales, and her friend Dodi Fayed die after a car crash in Paris

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