All Events

The separatist Bloc Québecois becomes (until losing seats in the next election) the official Opposition in the Canadian parliament

Chen Kaige directs Farewell My Concubine, depicting the devastating effect of the Cultural Revolution on some performers of Peking opera

Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk are jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their partnership in South Africa

UK and Irish premiers John Major and Albert Reynolds sign the Downing Street Declaration, a strategy for peace in Nothern Ireland

Media magnate Silvio Berlusconi founds Forza Italia as a new centre-right political party in Italy

Mayan Indians in Chiapas rebel in an armed uprising against the Mexican government

Mullah Mohammed Omar, in Kandahar, forms a group devoted to fundamentalist Islam and calls it Taliban (meaning students of the Qur'an)

Former prime minister Bettino Craxi leaves Italy to escape a gaol sentence for corruption

Sylvio Berlusconi's new party, Forza Italia, wins enough votes for him to head a coalition as prime minister

Tom Hanks stars in Forrest Gump, based on a novel by Winston Groom

Brazilian driver Ayrton Senna dies when the steering column of his car shears during the San Marino Grand Prix

Hastings Banda, president since independence in 1964, is defeated in Malawi's first multiparty elections

The New Zealand government pays compensation to the Waikato tribe in the first of several settlements for land illegally seized

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