Events relating to angola
The Portuguese establish a further presence on the west coast of Africa, at the mouth of the Congo river
The Portuguese ban the shipping of slaves from the coast of Angola
The MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) is formed as a guerrilla movement to end Portuguese rule
The FNLA is established, with US support, as a guerrilla group to fight for a non-communist independent Angola
UNITA, led by Jonas Savimbi, joins the fight for Angolan independence
The independence of Angola is established in the Alvor agreement between Portugal and three rival guerrilla groups, the MPLA, FNLA, and UNITA
The MPLA, controlling the capital but not the country, declares itself the government of newly independent Angola
UNITA and the FNLA join forces to set up a rival Angolan government at Huambo, in the south of the country
In Angola the USA and USSR fund rival guerrilla groups, MPLA and UNITA
Cuban troops, sent by Castro to Angola, clash with South African forces attempting to combat communism
A cease-fire withdraws Cuban troops from Angola and South African forces from Angola and Namibia
Another cease-fire in Angola's bitter civil war brings another brief period of peace
UNITA revives the Angolan civil war after the MPLA wins a decisive election victory
UNITA's widespread advance in Angola's long civil war brings terror and starvation
The death of Jonas Savimbi is soon followed by the disbanding of UNITA and the end of 27 years of Angolan civil war