Events relating to the british empire

Four former colonies (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec) unite to form the new nation of Canada with Ottawa as the capital

The Canadian nation is called the Dominion of Canada – the first example of 'dominion status'

Britain annexes Basutoland (now Lesotho), the kingdom of the Sotho leader Moshoeshoe

The proprietor of the New York Herald gives Henry Morton Stanley a very concise commission – 'Find Livingstone'

British explorer Samuel Baker annexes the southern Sudan, or Equatoria, on behalf of the khedive of Egypt

18-year-old English entrepreneur Cecil Rhodes, on a temporary visit to South Africa, arrives in the new diamond town of Kimberley

Stanley, finding Livingstone at Ujiji, greets him with four words which become famous – 'Dr Livingstone, I presume'

The southern region of present-day Ghana becomes a British colony, to be known as the Gold Coast

India becomes the 'jewel in the crown' of Queen Victoria when Benjamin Disraeli secures for her the title Empress of India

The British find a pretext to march into the territory ruled by Cetshwayo, thus launching the Zulu War

George Goldie and British traders on the Niger form the United African Company (later the Royal Niger Company) to consolidate their interests

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