All Events

Saudi Arabia starts deporting thousands of Ethiopian migrant workers, eventually about 150,000, causing great public anger and a major refugee problem

Egypt's deposed president Mohammed Morsi appears in court charged with inciting the murder of protesters

A US drone strike kills Hakimullah Meysud, the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan, complicating the Pakistani government's attempt to negotiate

Bill de Blasio wins the New York mayoral election, becoming the city's first Democratic mayor in 20 years

A forensic report by Swiss scientists suggests that Yasser Arafat was poisened by radioactive polonium-210

Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever recorded, causes vast devastation and thousands of deaths in the islands of the central Philippines

A stash of more than 1500 looted modernist works of art is found in the Munich flat of Cornelius Gurlitt, son of a Nazi art dealer

Francis Bacon's Three Studies of Lucian Freud sells for $142.4 million, a world record for a work of art sold at auction

American Airlines and US Airways are granted permission to merge, creating the world's largest airline

JPMorgan agrees to pay $13 billion dollars, the largest fine ever imposed, for questionable mortgage practices before 2008

People gather in Kiev's main square chanting 'Ukraine is Europe' to protest against President Yanukovych's attempts to align the country with Russia rather than the European Union

In a major diplomatic breakthrough, Iran agrees to restrict its nuclear activities in return for relief from certain important economic sanctions

China announces a new air defense zone over disputed islands in the East China sea, a measure immmediately challenged by Japan and the USA

A court in Alexandria sentences women to eleven years in gaol for taking part in a demonstration in support of Mohammed Morsi

The Italian Senate expels Silvio Berlusconi because of his conviction for tax fraud

DNA sequencing dates a thigh bone from a Spanish cave as 400,000 years old, and reveals an unexpected genetic link with a Denisovan human species in Siberia

Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg, triggering a flood of admiring and affectionate tributes all round the world

After international outrage the 11-year sentences on female protesters in Alexandria are reduced to one year, suspended

After years of trying, the World Trade Organization achieves an international agreement to loosen global trade barriers

Jang Sung-taek, uncle and mentor of the young North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, is executed after public humiliation

The Chinese spacecraft Change 3, carrying a robotic rover, achieves the first soft landing on the moon since 1976

A vast crowd assembles in Kiev to protest against President Yanukovych's rejection of an alliance with the European Union, preferring one with Russia

War erupts in South Sudan between followers of the president, Salva Kiir, and of the former vice-president, Riek Machar

The military government in Egypt outlaws the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization

The number of Iraqis killed in 2014 (according to the UN, 8868 deaths) is the greatest since 2008, the main reason being the escalating terrorist conflict between Shia and Sunni

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