All Events

Scientists at CERN announce that the recently discovered particle is beyond doubt the Standard Model of the Higg's boson

After the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro wins a close and strongly disputed presidential election

Two Chechen terrorists explode pressure-cooker bombs in the crowd during the Boston Marathon, leaving three people dead and more than 160 injured

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the suspects in the Boston terrorist attack, is killed in a shoot-out with police

After the arrest of the second Boston suspect it emerges that the terrorists are two Muslim brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The Peruvian government announces that the high-prolile Camisea Gas Project will be able to provide over the years $2.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

In a London street two men hack to death a British soldier, Lee Rigby, and tell passers-by that they are avenging Muslims killed by the army

Zimbabwe's new constitution introduces important reforms but enables 89-year-old Robert Mugabe to serve two more 5-year presidential terms

Vast demonstrations, influenced by the Arab spring and involving hundreds of thousands of people, erupt in Brazil's cities as a protest against multiple issues of corruption and the cost of living

The Guardian, a UK newspaper, publishes the first of many scoops based on the secret files of NSA and GCHQ, leaked by Edward Snowden

Flash floods in India kill nearly 6000 people and isolate more than 20,000

A cleric with moderate views, Hassan Rouhani, wins Iran's presidential election, raising international hopes for dialogue

Julia Gillard, Australia's first female prime minister, is rejected in a Labour party vote and is replaced by Kevin Rudd

Violent clashes erupt again throughout Egypt between Muslim Brotherhood supporters of President Morsi and those objecting to his Islamist policies

A jury in Florida sparks nation-wide outrage by their acquittal of George Zimmerman on the charge of murdering a black teenager, Trayvon Martin

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