All Events

European leaders sign the Treaty of Lisbon, an attempt to achieve administrative reforms similar to those of the previously rejected Constitution

Jacob Zuma is elected president of the African National Congress in South Africa, in place of Thabo Mbeki

Incumbent president Mwai Kibaki is declared the winner of Kenya's election - a doubtful result rejected by his opponent Raila Odinga

A bomb blast kills Benazir Bhutto and at least 20 others after an election rally in Rawalpindi

Finland is ranked equal first with four other countries in the United Nations Education Index, causing this small country's school system to be much analyzed and discussed

Elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly bring the same result as in 2003, with extremist rivals DUP and Sinn Fein the dominant parties

Long-term enemies Ian Paisley (DUP) and Gerry Adams (Sinn Fein) agree to share power in a reconvened Northern Ireland Assembly

James Thomson and Shinya Yamanaka separately discover a method for converting skin cells into cells closely resembling embryonic stem cells

Thirty-two students and teachers are killed by a gunman at Virginia Tech, in the USA's worst ever campus massacre

After major damage by fire, the elegant Grade 2 house of West Hall is restored by the Bissell Thomas family

Apple introduces the iPhone, immediately a success for its large touchscreen making the finger the user's equivalent of a stylus or computer mouse

War Horse, a play with life-size horse puppets by the Handspring Puppet Company,. opens at London's National Theatre and goes on to have an astonishing international success

The Saffron Revolution begins in protest against the Burmese junta, with Buddhist monks soon taking a leading role but resulting after a few weeks in savage persecution

Tribal violence against Kikuyu supporters of Kibaki follows his insistence, against independent evidence, that he has won Kenya's presidential election

President Musharraf's party is heavily defeated. with Opposition parties winning more than half the seats in Pakistan's general election

The New York Philharmonic performs in North Korea, in the first significant cultural contact between USA and North Korea since the Korean War

Kibaki and Odinga sign an agreement, brokered by Kofi Annan, to share power in a Kenyan coalition government

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