All Events

Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party, wins the election takes over as first minister of Scotland

Bertie Ahern and the Fianna Fáil win their third successive general election victory in Ireland

Gordon Brown succeeds Tony Blair as leader of the Labour Party and prime minister of the United Kingdom

Apple's iPhone goes on sale in the USA and 270,000 are sold in the first thirty hours

The civil rights group Reporters Without Borders demands improvement in civil rights abuses and censorship in China before the Beijing Olympics

The Chilean Supreme Court grants the Peruvian government's request for the extradition of Alberto Fujimori to Peru

Large numbers of monks in Burma march in support of the escalating nation-wide demonstrations against the government

After continuing daily escalation of the protest in Burma, nation-wide, the junta order arrests and military intervention

Burmese security forces raid the monasteries and begin beating and arresting monks to terrify the population into submission

Burmese monasteries are raided, and monks are arrested and taken away all over the country

The streets of Rangoon are virtually empty, with crowds dispersed by fear during the day and by curfew at night

Ibrahim Gambari is allowed to visit Aung San Suu Kyi at her residence, and has another meeting on October 2

Estimates of the number of deaths in the suppression of the Burmese uprising range from a few hundred to several thousand

On the evening of Benazir Bhutto's return suicide bombers kill 136 of her supporters, who are lining the route, but fail to kill her

The first passenger flight on the massive Airbus A380 goes from Singapore to Sydney, with Singapore Airlines

The Labor Party, led by Kevin Rudd, wins the federal election in Australia, defeating John Howard's Liberal Party

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