All Events

Tests reveal that Viktor Yushchenko, opposition candidate in Ukraine's presidential election, has been poisoned with dyoxin

Armed robbers, suspected of links with the IRA, steal more than £25 million from the Northern Bank in Belfast

Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko easily wins the re-run of the rigged presidential election in the Ukraine

Daniele Benati publishes Cani dell'inferno ("Hounds of Hell"), in which deported Italian dissidents drift with nothing to do in a mysterious American city, an image of hell

After months of protests demanding regime change and often violent unrest, the army in Thailand seizes control and declaries martial law

Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, after sheltering since 2000 in Japan, arrives unexpectedly in Chile

The Swedish author Stieg Larsson publishes his phenomenally successful novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the first of the three volumes in his Millennium series

Mahmoud Abbas is elected president of the Palestinian Authority, following the death of Yasser Arafat

Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri is killed when a massive bomb is detonated as his car passes in Beirut

A student at Red Lake High School in Minnesota kills five fellow students and two staff members before committing suicide

After leaving the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) Jöorg Haider, the party's leader since 1986, forms another far-right group, the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZO)

Following local and international pressure after the death of Rafik Hariri, Syria withdraws the last of its troops from Lebanon

Tony Blair wins the Labour party an unprecedented third successive term, but with a majority reduced from 167 to 66

Two years after its first appearance, the World Health Organization announces that the deadly disease SARS has been 'eradicated'

The film series of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia is launched with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

After a long trial US singer Michael Jackson is declared in a California court not guilty on ten charges of child molestation

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