All Events

The US space shuttle Columbia disintegrates, with seven on board, when re-entering the earth's atmosphere

Around the world millions of people march in protest against the war planned by the USA and UK against Iraq

Civil war breaks out in the Darfur region of the Sudan, resulting in large numbers of civilian deaths and accusations of government-sponsored genocide

A deadly new form of pneumonia, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is first reported in Hanoi and soon spreads globally

US forces are in control of Baghdad and an excited crowd topples from its plinth a massive statue of Saddam Hussein

President Bush prematurely celebrates his Iraq achievement with a speech on a US aircraft carrier in front of a banner declaring 'Mission Accomplished'

Finding Nemo, following the adventures of a clownfish, wins an Oscar for Pixar Animation as the Best Animated Feature

The UN Security Council and the Polisario accept a plan for the future of Western Sahara, proposed by James Baker, but it is rejected by Morocco

UK scientist David Kelly commits suicide, apparently for reasons linked with the Iraq War

Lost in Translation, a film directed by Sofia Coppola, depicts the culture shock of an American couple in modern Japan

Californians vote to remove governor Gray Davis from office in a 'recall' election and to replace him with Arnold Schwarzenegger

The last three Concorde airliners to carry fare-paying passengers land within a space of five minutes at Heathrow

US singer Britney Spears creates a new record when she has a fourth successive album (In the Zone) go straight to the top of Billboard 200

The 'Rose Revolution' in Georgia forces the resignation of president Eduard Shevardnadze after rigged elections

Ian Paisley's hard-line Democratic Unionist Party wins in elections to the suspended Northern Ireland Assembly

The Alexandria National Museum, with a rich collection telling the story of Alexandria and Egypt, is opened by Hosni Mubarak

The Human Genome Project, mapping the entire sequence of chemical base pairs in human DNA, is completed two years ahead of schedule

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is found hiding in a subterranean hole in a farmyard near Tikrit

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