All Events

Leland Hartwel, Paul Nurse and Tim Hunt win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle

For the Queen's Jubilee Mark Edwards builds an eight-oared royal shallop, Jubilant, a replica of an eighteenth-century original owned by the National Maritime Museum

Mark Edwards builds a working version of a seventeenth-century wooden submarine, by Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel, which is rowed underwater in the BBC programme Building the Impossible

The west end of the Barn Church in Kew is redesigned by Keith Murray to accommodate the Darby Room (named after the vicar, Nicholas Darby), a gallery and ancillary facilities for community use

Florence plays host to the first European Social Forum, an annual conference (now biennial) bringing together campaigning groups to share ideas and form collaborations

The death of Jonas Savimbi is soon followed by the disbanding of UNITA and the end of 27 years of Angolan civil war

In Zimbabwe's presidential election, again characterized by violence and apparent vote-rigging, Mugabe defeats Tsvangirai

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, widow of the British king George VI, dies at the age of 102

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan sweeps the Taliban from power, ending their protection of al-Qaeda

Fifty years after her accession to the throne, the British queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Golden Jubilee

Controversial Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated outside a a radio station in Hilversum

The African Union (AU) is established as a successor to the African Economic Community and the Organization of African Unity

Prague suffers its worst floods to date after extreme rainfall occurs in the catchment area of the source of the Vltava River

The US holds suspected al-Qaeda terrorists indefinitely, and without legal rights, in Guantanamo Bay, an American enclave in Cuba

Terrorists detonate bombs in two crowded nightclubs in the Bali resort of Kuta, killing 202 people

Chechen terrorists take hostage the entire audience of a Moscow theatre in an atrocity resulting in the death of more than 150 people

In spite of a massive military operation, the terrorist leader Osama bin Laden escapes US pursuit in Afghanistan

Yasumasa Kanada sets his 11th world record in calculating the number of digits in the decimal expansion of Π, reaching 1.2411 trillion

Michael Rogers, in a team led by Sileshi Semaw, discovers the world's oldest known chipped stone tool, at Gona in Ethiopia

The historic city of Bam, in Iran, is destroyed in a massive earthquake, with more than 40,000 deaths

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