All Events

A translation by Irish author Seamus Heaney brings many new readers to the Old English poem Beowulf

Sam Mendes directs Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening in American Beauty

The TV reality show Big Brother, devised by John de Mol, is broadcast for the first time in the Netherlands

On the eve of the new millennium twenty-one Coptic Christians are murdered by Muslims in the Egyptian village of Kosheh

Britain's hereditary peers lose their rights in the House of Lords, apart from a few elected to serve for an interim period

Floods and massive mudslides in the Vargas state of Venezuela kill an estimated 25,000 people

The island of Macau reverts from Portuguese ownership to the People's Republic of China

Boris Yeltsin announces his completely unexpected resignation on New Year's Eve and effectively hands power to Vladimir Putin as acting president

The US relinquishes sovereignty over the canal zone to Panama on the last day of the century, as agreed in the 1977 treaty

Chromosome 22 becomes the first human genome to be fully sequenced, at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, England

The Burmese junta again places Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest, a restraint that has continued - with one break - till the present time

The British Home Secretary, Jack Straw, judges Augusto Pinochet mentally incapable to stand trial and returns him to Chile

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