All Events

France's President Mitterrand and the British queen Elizabeth II together open the tunnel under the English Channel

The Italian film Il Postino brings poetry into the life of a postman who delivers mail to the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda

In his apostolic letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis John Paul II forbids even any discussion of the ordination of women

Italian architect Renzo Piano completes Kansai airport, on an artificial island in Osaka bay

After the genocide in Rwanda, the Rwandan Patriotic Front captures Kigali and replaces the Hutu government

The IRA declares a cease-fire in Northern Ireland, a gesture followed a month later by Protestant paramilitaries

The fossilized skeleton of an Ardipithecus female, nicknamed Ardi and 4.4 million years old, is found in the Awash valley region of Ethiopia

Quentin Tarantino directs John Travolta and Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction

Mike Newell directs the film Four Weddings and a Funeral, starring Hugh Grant

Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin share the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to solve the Israel-Palestine problem

The Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Hussein, the king of Jordan, sign a historic peace agreement

The Stables Gallery is opened in the stables of Orleans House

More than a million Hutus, escaping from the backlash after the genocide in Rwanda, are in refugee camps in Zaire

After 18 years in the USA, living in Vermont, Alexander Solzhenitsyn returns to post-Communist Russia

Art, a play by French-born Iranian playwright Yasmina Reza, has its premiere in Berlin

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