All Events

Apartheid ends in South Africa, after two thirds of white voters vote for its abolition in a referendum

English novelist Sebastian Faulks publishes Birdsong, set partly in the trenches of World War I

The Branch Dravidians, members of a religious cult, burn to death in their Waco headquarters under siege by the FBI

US author A.R. Ammons publishes a book-length poem, Garbage, typed on narrow strips of adding-machine paper

US author Annie Proulx wins major awards with her second novel, The Shipping News

US architect Ieoh Ming Pei completes his underground extension of the Louvre, surmounted by a glass pyramid

Vikram Seth publishes his novel A Suitable Boy, a family saga in post-independence India

Eduardo Paolozzi's vast bronze sculpture The Wealth of Nations is installed at South Kyle, near Edinburgh

Scottish author Irvine Welsh publishes his first novel, Trainspotting

Work begins on China's ambitiious and controversial Three Gorges Dam project

The Oslo Accords, brokered by the Norwegian government between the PLO and Israel, are seen as a breakthrough in the Middle East crisis

Rachel Whiteread's Untitled (House) is a concrete cast of the interior of a house in London's East End

President Habyarimana alienates Rwanda's Hutu Power extremists by coming to terms with the Rwandan Patriotic Front

Meeting in Washington, Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat accept the Oslo Accords, promising autonomy for Palestine within five years

Steven Spielberg directs a film of Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark, giving it the title Schindler's List

Melchior Ndadaye, the first Hutu president of Burundi, is killed by Tutsis within months of his election

Civil war in Burundi, between Hutus and Tutsis, follows the murder of the first Hutu president

After only three years in opposition, Benazir Bhutto wins a second term as prime minister of Pakistan

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