All Events

The supertanker Exxon Valdez spills vast quantities of oil in Prince William Sound, Alaska

in the Hillsborough football stadium in Sheffield 96 Liverpool fans are crushed to death during a match against Nottingham Forest

Ayatollah Khomeini dies and is succeeded by Sayed Ali Khamenei as Iran's leading ayatollah

US sculptor Richard Serra's Tilted Arc is removed from Federal Plaza, New York, after legal action by local protesters

Elections in Poland bring Solidarnośc nation-wide success, and the party is soon at the head of a coalition government

Before the coming election the military junta in Burma places democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest

James Ivory directs the film The Remains of the Day, based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro

The US unmanned spacecraft Galileo is launched from a space shuttle on a six-year voyage to Jupiter

At CERN, in Geneva, Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau build ENQUIRE, a first step towards the future World Wide Web

Erich Honecker, leader of East Germany since 1971, is forced to resign after massive popular demonstrations

Citizens of East Berlin demolish the Berlin Wall, in what proves a symbolic end to the Cold War

British prime minister Margaret Thatcher introduces an extremely unpopluar poll tax, last used in the Middle Ages

French ballerina Sylvie Guillem moves from Paris to join the Royal Ballet in London

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