All Events

Swedish prime minister Olof Palme is killed in a Stockholm street in an unsolved murder

Simultaneous acts passed in Canberra and Westminster give Australia full judicial independence, ending appeals to the UK Privy Council

The drug AZT (azidothymidine) offers hope as a way of inhibiting the progression from HIV to AIDS

A terrible fire destroys much of the King's State Appartments, third floor and roof of the South Front of Hampton Court

President Reagan launches an air strike against Libya, accusing Gaddafi of involvement in international terrorism

A Soviet nuclear power station explodes at Chernobyl, scattering radioactive material over a wide area

Nikolai Tolstoy publishes The Minister and the Massacres, charging Harold Macmillan with responsibility for the 'victims of Yalta'

Argentina wins the World Cup quarter final against England with help from Maradona and 'the hand of God'

20-year-old US boxer Mike Tyson knocks out Trevor Berbick to become the youngest ever world heavyweight champion

Yves Montand and Gérard Depardieu star in Jean De Florette, adapted from a novel by Marcel Pagnol

The Beastie Boys' Licensed to Ill becomes the first rap (or hip hop) album to top the US chart

Most of the currency in circulation in Burma becomes worthless when Ne Win replaces it with new 45 and 90 kyat notes (he says 9 is is his lucky number)

Mugabe and Nkomo merge their two parties as ZANU-PF, making Zimbabwe effectively a one-party state

The Zimbabwean constitution is changed to make Mugabe executive president (with Nkomo vice-president, until his death in 1999)

English poets John Fuller and James Fenton collaborate in a volume of satirical poems, Partingtime Hall

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