All Events

Roland Joffé directs The Killing Fields, set among the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia

Brian Mulroney wins a decisive electoral victory over the Liberals to become prime minister of Canada

Genetic (or DNA) fingerprinting is invented and developed by British geneticist Alec Jeffreys

Indira Gandhi is assassinated in Delhi by members of her Sikh bodyguard, in retaliation for the desecration of the Golden Temple

Ian Botham is the first player to achieve the double triple, with a total of more than 3000 runs and 300 wickets in Test cricket

Madonna (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone) releases her second album, Like a Virgin, that goes on to sell millions

The opera Akhnaten, by US composer Philip Glass, has its first performance in Stuttgart

US choreographer William Forsythe becomes director of the Frankfurt Ballet

Bob Geldof forms Band Aid and releases for Ethiopian famine relief the best-selling UK single Do they know its Christmas?

More than 2000 die in the Indian city of Bhopal when toxic gas escapes from a Union Carbide plant

In a speech to the Tory Reform Group, Harold Macmillan describes Mrs Thatcher's privatization policy as 'selling the family silver'

Civilian rule is restored in Brazil after Tancredo Neves and Jose Sarney are elected president and vice-president

The miners' strike, ending after eleven bitter months, proves a turning point in the struggle between Margaret Thatcher and the unions

New Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev brings glasnost ('openness') and perestroika ('reform') to the USSR

Peter Carey publishes Illywhacker, a novel narrated by a 139-year-old Australian

President Reagan's administration breaks a US embargo with secret arms sales to Iran in return for assistance in the release of US hostages in Lebanon

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