All Events

Luc Montagnier, at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, discovers a new human retrovirus that he names LAV (later changed to HIV)

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef founds Shas, an ultra-Orthodox political party in Israel, and remains its spiritual leader until his death in 2013

British skaters Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean earn a perfect score for their Bolero programme in the Sarajevo winter Olympics

Milos Forman directs the screen version of Peter Shaffer's Amadeus

British prime minister Margaret Thatcher and union leader Arthur Scargill begin a bitter personal struggle in the miners' strike

US poet Robert Pinsky publishes an acclaimed verse translation, The Inferno of Dante

New additions to St Mary's are completed, designed by Edward Cullinan, to replace the parts destroyed by the fire of 1978

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the title role, that of an almost silent killing machine, in The Terminator

Czech novelist Milan Kundera publishes The Unbearable Lightness of Being, in the tradition of magic realism

Drugs barons in Colombia murder the Minister of Justice, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, to protect their trade

Sikh rebels, demanding an independent Punjab, seize the Golden Temple in Amritsar

Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi uses the army to dislodge militant Sikhs occupying the Golden Temple in Amritsar

Diego Maradona is sold to Napoli for a new record fee of about £5 million, two years after being sold to Barcelona for £3 million

English author Julian Barnes publishes a multi-faceted literary novel, Flaubert's Parrot

British architects James Stirling and Michael Wilford complete a new art gallery for Stuttgart

US sprinter and long-jumper Carl Lewis wins four gold medals at the Los Angeles Olympics

A disastrous famine in the northern provinces of Ethiopia is the first to be seen all round the world on television

The Turkana Boy, the most complete known skeleton of Homo erectus, is found near Lake Turkana by Kamoya Kimeu in Richard Leakey's team

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