All Events

The trade union movement Solidarnośc (Solidarity) is declared illegal by the Polish government

Hezbollah emerges in Lebanon as an Iranian-sponsored resistance movement against the Israeli occupation of the southern part of the country

Michael Jackson's releases the album Thriller, which goes on to sell 40 million copies in ten years

Research groups led by Roberto Gallo and Luc Montagnier independently discover a retrovirus that causes AIDS and is subsequently named the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

British economist Nicholas Kaldor attacks monetarism in The Economic Consequences of Mrs Thatcher

Ronald Harwood's play The Dresser is partly inspired by the British actor Donald Wolfit

The first all-digital synthesizer, the DX7, is put on the market by Yamaha

A civilian government, voted into power in Argentina, prosecutes members of the military junta for civil rights abuses

Philip Johnson completes the A.T. & T. skyscraper in New York, an early example of Post-Modernism

The US system MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) becomes the industry standard for electronic communication in music

Philips and Sony jointly introduce a new device, the compact disc

Philippine opposition leader Benigno Aquino is assassinated at Manila International Airport

The Tamil Tigers launch a civil war against the Sinhalese majority in Sri Lanka

Rudolf Nureyev begins a successful 6-year period as artistic director of the Paris Opera Ballet

Government imposition of Islamic law (sharia) triggers renewed civil war in Sudan between the Muslim north and Christian south

President Reagan sends US marines to Grenada after the execution of the island's prime minister, Maurice Bishop

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