All Events

A US helicopter mission fails disastrously in its attempt to rescue the embassy hostages in Tehran

US author Sam Shepard's play True West has its premiere in New York

A coup in Uganda brings Milton Obote back into power, and he is confirmed as president in a subsequent general election

The song O Canada, exacty a century old, is officially adopted as the country's national anthem

Electrician Lech Walesa emerges as the leader of a strike in the Gdansk shipyard in Poland

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms secures new aspects of Canada's national identity

US basketball champion Magic Johnson begins 12 years with the Los Angeles Lakers

US choreographer Mark Morris founds his own company, the Mark Morris Dance Group, based in New York

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerges in India from previous Hindu nationalist groups and wins the first of several general ellections in 1996

A trade union, Solidarnośc (Solidarity), is formed by strikers in the Gdansk shipyard in Poland

Lech Walesa is elected chairman of the newly formed Polish trade union movement Solidarnośc (Solidarity)

Saddam Hussein invades Iran, beginning an 8-year war that will bring massive human cost

Republican Ronald Reagan wins the US presidential election against the incumbent Jimmy Carter

Beatle John Lennon is murdered by a psychopath on the steps of his and Yoko Ono's apartment block in New York

100 years after her death George Eliot is given a memorial stone (denied to her in 1880) in Westminster Abbey's Poets' Corner

Just five hours before he is shot and killed, Annie Leibovitz takes a famous studio photograph of John Lennon naked and Yoko Ono clothed

Gail Martin in California and Martin Evans and Matthew Kaufman in Cambridge independently discover ways of extracting stem cells from mice embryos

Iran releases the US embassy hostages immediately after the end of Jimmy Carter's presidency

The SDP hives off from Britain's Labour party – and seven years later merges with the Liberals to form the Liberal Democrats

Rebels storm the Spanish parliament in Madrid and briefly hold the members hostage, in a military coup that fails

The Kremlin appoints a general, Wojciech Jaruzelski, as prime minister of Poland

Henry and Jane Fonda, father and daughter, star with Katherine Hepburn in On Golden Pond

Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first woman appointed to the US Supreme Court

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan share a common economic viewpoint, following the policy known as monetarism

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