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Anaximander, a pupil of Thales, develops bold theories about the formation of the earth and the beginning of life

The Greek philosopher Anaximander argues that humans must have descended from an animal of a different kind, because human infants need protection for so long

Peisistratos seizes power in Athens and rules as a benevolent dictator for more than thirty years

The painters of Greek vases develop the black-figure style, with the scene depicted in black silhouette against a red ground

The Sinhalese, after moving south through India, cross into Sri Lanka

The optimistic concept of the Messiah is part of the Jewish response to captivity in Babylon

The Greeks develop the Babylonian theme of the zodiac, naming it the zodiakos kyklos or circle of animals

The Indian physician Susruta pioneers plastic surgery of the nose

Cyrus, king of the Persians, takes Ecbatana, capital city of the Medes, and establishes the first Persian empire

The city-states of the Peloponnese unite in a defensive league under Spartan leadership

The murals of Etruscan tombs, such as the Tomb of the Lionesses in Tarquinia, give a lively glimpse of an earlier tradition in Greek art

Polo originates in the Persian empire, probably as part of the training of the imperial cavalry

An Etruscan dynasty rules in Rome and Etruscan influence is now dominant throughout central Italy

Indian medical theory maintains that the body consists of three humours - spirit, phlegm and bile

The hoplite - a Greek citizen, heavily armed in bronze and leather - proves a formidable fighting man

The phalanx, though not originally devised in Greece, is a devastating formation on the battlefield when composed of hoplites

K'ung-fu-tzu, or Confucius, teaches a practical philosophy which will profoundly influence Chinese history

Larache is founded as a Carthaginian colony on the Atlantic coast of Africa

Aramaic, a Semitic language from Syria, becomes the lingua franca of the Middle East

The Greek city states pioneer the use of citizen armies, made up of free men who bring their own fighting equipment

Sardis, the capital city of the Lydian ruler Croesus, is taken by the Persians

Cyrus annexes the Greek territory of Ionia as part of his empire, giving Persia a presence on the Aegean

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