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Iron reheated with carbon is found to be much harder, being transformed into steel

Burial mounds feature in the Ohio valley, built first in the Adena culture and then by Hopewell tribes

David, already king of Judah and now anointed king of Israel, brings into one realm the twelve tribes of the Israelites

David captures Jerusalem, which he makes his capital - bringing here the ark of the covenant

Hiram, the Phoenician king of Tyre, is an enthusiastic trading partner of King David in Jerusalem, and later of Solomon

Solomon becomes king of Israel and presides over a period of peace and prosperity

Solomon, the king of Israel, builds the first Temple in Jerusalem

The Queen of Sheba, who visits Solomon in Jerusalem, is legendary - but her kingdom of Saba is a historical reality

Wood from the famous cedars of Lebanon is only one of the many luxury goods traded by the Phoenicians

Solomon's son Rehoboam is unable to prevent the ten northern tribes going their own way, under the leadership of Jeroboam

Chávin de Huántar becomes the centre of the first civilization of south America

With the encouragements of Athens, non-Dorian Greeks migrate to form colonies on the west coast of Anatolia

Ashurnasirpal II creates a spectacular new capital at Nimrud (and claims to have had 69,574 guests at his palace-warming party)

An annual event in Assyria is the departure of the army in spring for an expedition of ruthless and brutal conquest

Ashburbanipal II extracts tribute from the cities of Phoenicia, beginning a period of Assyrian domination of the region

Gindibu brings 1000 Arab warriors on camels to do battle at Karkar (the first known reference to Arabs as a distinct group)

Citium, in Cyprus, is the first of many Phoenician colonies in the Mediterranean

The Assyrians develop the battering ram into a mobile and powerful siege engine

The technique of glazing pottery is discovered in Mesopotamia, though used at this stage only for decorative arts arts purposes

The traditional date of the founding of Carthage (supposedly by the mythical queen Dido, but in practice by Phoenicians)

The Assyrian army makes good use of the new technology by which iron can be hardened into steel suitable for weapons

The earliest surviving sundial is in use in Egypt

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