Events relating to russia
The Russian poet and dramatist Vladimir Mayakovsky publishes his first major long poem, A Cloud in Trousers
Petrograd buzzes with rumours about Rasputin's dissolute life, including salacious hints that he is the lover of the empress Alexandra
Germans make an experimental but ineffective use of chlorine gas against the Russians in Poland
from July - the Russians advance through Turkish Armenia and push west into Anatolia as far as Trabzon
The emperor Nicholas II moves to military HQ to take personal command of the Russian armies
German armies make sufficient advances to drive the Russians out of Poland
Three members of the Russian imperial family assassinate the influential charlatan Grigory Rasputin
Maxim Gorky publishes My Apprenticeship, the second volume of his autobiography
Aleksei Brusilov leads a surprise Russian offensive against Germany and Austria-Hungary
Prince Georgi Lvov becomes prime minister in Russia's new Provisional Government
A mutiny by soldiers, in support of Petrograd demonstrators, proves a turning point in Russia's February revolution
Crowds demonstrating in Petrograd are fired on after tsar Nicholas II sanctions the use of force
An uprising in Petrograd brings the Peter and Paul fortress into the hands of the rebels
With his capital city in the hands of rebels, tsar Nicholas II abdicates
The Petrograd Soviet demands drastic reforms in return for supporting the proposed Provisional Government in Russia
The German authorities allow Lenin to travel home from Switzerland through Germany, hoping for Communist disruption of the Russian war effort
Lenin expounds in Petrograd the new theory of his April Theses, predicting the possibility of imminent revolution
Trotsky hurries back to Russia from exile in the United States
A Russian summer offensive against the Germans results in massive loss of life and territory
An armed uprising in Petrograd disperses after Lenin declines to give support
Trotsky is imprisoned and Lenin flees to Finland as Russia's Provisional Government cracks down on the Bolsheviks
Prince Lvov steps down as head of the Provisional Government in Russia and is replaced by Alexander Kerensky
Kerensky dismisses Kornilov as commander-in-chief, antagonizing the right wing in Russia
Russian opinion polarizes, with support growing for left-wing Bolsheviks and right-wing Kadets
Trotsky, released from prison, stages a coup to win Bolshevik control of the Petrograd Soviet