Events relating to russia

Someone carves a figure of a flying bird, in mammoth ivory, in the Malta settlement in Siberia

In Mesopotamia, and on the grass steppes of southern Russia, oxen are used to pull heavy loads on sledges

The Slavs settle in the regions of eastern Europe and western Russia

Viking tribes known as the Rus are established as traders in the region of Novgorod

Oleg, leader of the Rus, seizes the town of Kiev and makes his headquarters there

Vladimir, the prince of Kiev, decides that Greek Orthodoxy is the most suitable religion for the Russian people

Yaroslav builds up his Russian kingdom and turns his capital, Kiev, into a spectacular Christian city

A Russian chronicle makes the first mention of the marauding Polovtsy, who persistently raid Russian cities from the steppes

A papal delegate (from Leo IX) excommunicates Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the delegate is excommunicated in retaliation, launching a lasting East-West Schism

A Russian prince, Andrei Bogolyubski, makes his capital east of Moscow at Vladimir, where he builds a cathedral and several churches

The Teutonic knights undertake a new form of crusade, attempting to subdue the pagan Prussians who occupy part of the Baltic coast

Batu Khan and his Mongols sweep into Russia, where they and their descendants become known as the Golden Horde

Alexander, a Russian prince, defeats a Swedish army on the frozen river Neva, thus winning his name Alexander Nevksy

Alexander Nevsky, appointed grand prince of Vladimir in 1252, thrives by collaborating with the Mongols of the Golden Horde

Novgorod asserts its independence, electing its own city magistrate to take over the role of the local Russian prince

Moscow acquires new prestige when the metropolitan (or patriarch) of the Russian Orthodox church moves his residence from Vladimir

Dimitri, grand prince of Moscow, leads other Russian princes in a crushing victory over the Mongols on the Kulikovo plain

With Constantinople in Turkish hands, Moscow begins to see itself as the centre of Orthodox Christianity - or the third Rome

Ivan III, grand prince of Russia, becomes the first to deny the Mongols of the Golden Horde their annual tribute of tax

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