©National Archives

Crystal Palace Wallpaper Design, 1851 Between 1839 and 1910, designs for manufactured goods like fabric, pottery and metalwork were protected by the registrar of designs. Registered copies of the designs are now held at the Public Record Office. This is a wallpaper design from 1851 featuring the Great Exhibition buildings at Crystal Palace.

The Great Exhibition was the brainchild of Prince Albert. It was designed as a demonstration to the world of the power and range of British industry and commerce. Comprising over 100,000 exhibits from all over the world, it was held in the 26-acre Crystal Palace, a masterpiece of glass and cast iron, specially designed by Joseph Paxton and erected in London's Hyde Park. After the exhibition it was dismantled, moved to Sydenham in south London (to the area now called Crystal Palace), and re-erected. It remained there until 1936, when it was destroyed by fire. The Exhibition was an unqualified success and attracted more than six million visitors.

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