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  National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
 Cook charts coast of New Zealand 1769
 Convicts settled in Sydney Cove 1788
  1788 Brierly Sydney Harbour, Emigrants Arriving (detail)
National Maritime Museum
  1793 Romney Lady Hamilton as Ariadne (detail)
National Maritime Museum
 Nelson meets Emma 1793 Enlarge graphicRigaud Captain Horatio Nelson (detail)
National Maritime Museum
 Nelson dies at Trafalgar 1805 Dighton The Battle of Trafalgar (detail)
National Maritime Museum
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 18-year-old girl on British throne 1837 Winterhalter Queen Victoria (detail)
National Maritime Museum
  1844 Meridian Line, Greenwich
National Maritime Museum
 Franklin searches for northwest passage 1845 Carmichael HMS Erebus and Terror in the Arctic (detail)
National Maritime Museum
 Greenwich is 0° longitude 1884
 Scott sails for the Antarctic 1901 Mitchell HMS Discovery in the ice (detail)
National Maritime Museum
 Titanic hits iceberg 1912 Titanic underway
National Maritime Museum