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 income tax - introduced by Pitt in 1799
  - in the American Civil War
  - in Britain since Pitt
  - in the UK in the 1970s
 Incoronazione di Poppea - by Monteverdi
 incunabula - in printing history
 Indemnity, Act of - in 1660
 Independence - and the Oregon Trail
 Independence Day - 4 July 1776
 Independent (newspaper)
 Independent Labour Party - founded in 1893
 Independents - in 17th-century England
  - in the parliamentary army
  - tour through time
  - creation stories
  - and astrology
  - and Persian taxes
  - and southeast Asia
  - and Genghis Khan
  - invaded by Timur
  - arrival of Portuguese
  - Christian missions from the 16th century
  - the influenza pandemic of 1918-19
  - and Britain
  - and the Commonwealth
 India Act - of 1858
 Indiana - statehood in 1816
 Indian Claims Commission - of 1946
 Indian Removal Act - of 1830
 Indian Reorganization Act - of 1934
 Indians - in Britain
  - origin of name
 indirect rule - and Lugard
 Indo-European languages
  - Germanic or Teutonic group
  - in linguistic map
  - English
 Indo-European tribes - in Asia
  - in Europe
  - south from the steppes
 Indo-Iranians - and polytheism
 Indonesia - and Islam
  - early links with Madagascar
 Indra - god of the Aryans
 Indulgence, Declaration of - in 1672
  - in 1688
  - and James II
 indulgences - sold by Johann Tetzel
 indulgences, plenary - from AD 1095
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