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 billiards - origins
  - brief history
 Billingsgate Market (London)
 Billingsley, William - Swansea porcelain
 bills of mortality - in 16th century London
 Billy Budd (Britten)
 Billy Bunter (Richards)
 Billy Liar (Waterhouse)
 Bilroth, Theodor - performs first gastrectomy
 Bilston - japanning
 binary system - the script of computers
 Binet, Alfred - and IQ tests
 Bingham, Hiram - and Machu Picchu
 bingo (in Britain)
 Binns, Joseph - 17th century London surgeon
 binomial system - in taxonomy
  - of Linnaeus
 binomial theorem - and Newton
 Bioko - name from 1979 of Fernando Po
  - tour through time
 birch bark - as material for manuscripts
 Bird, Kenneth - Fougasse
 birds - in evolution
 bireme - warship
 Birger Jarl - ruler of Sweden
 Birmingham - in early 19th century
  - brief history
 Birmingham Post
 Birmingham Royal Ballet
 Birth - article by Dr Carole Reeves
 birth defects - in early modern period
  - as subject for broadsides
 birthing chair - in Roman Empire
 Birth of Venus - by Botticelli
 Bishop, Henry
 Bishops, Seven - in 1688
 Bishops' Wars - of 1639-40
 Bismarck - German warship and Cameroon
  - sunk in 1941
 Bismarck, N.D. - and Lewis and Clark
 Bismarck, Otto von
  - attempt to outlaw the First International
  - and the Anti-Socialist Law of 1878
  - and Karl Peters
  - European policy
  - welfare state
 bison - and end of glacial period
  - slaughtered to feed railway workers
 Bissau - and the Portuguese
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