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 Vanity Fair (magazine)
 Vanity Fair (Thackeray)
 Vanozza dei Catanei - and Rodrigo Borgia
 Vanuatu and Britain
 Vardhamana - and Jainism
 Vardon, Harry
 Varennes - and the flight of Louis XVI
 Vargas, Getúlio Domelles - in Brazil
 Varna - battle in 1444
 Vasa dynasty - in Sweden
  - in Poland
 Vasari, Giorgio - and mannerism
 Vasco da Gama
 Vasili III - grand prince of Moscow
 vassal and lord - in feudalism
 Västerås - diet in 1527
 Vathek - by Beckford
 Vatican Council - first, in 1869
 Vauban, Sebastien de
  - and the bayonet
 Vaughan Williams, Ralph
 vault - in Roman architecture
 vaulted roof - in Romanesque architecture
 Vauxhall (motor company)
 Vauxhall Gardens - and statue of Handel
  - brief description
 Vaux-le-Vicomte - built by Fouquet
 VC10 (jet airliner)
 veche - ruling council of Novgorod
 vector-borne infectious diseases - definition
 Vedas - Sanskrit litetature
 V-E Day - in 1945
  - brief account
 Vedomosti - first Russian newspaper
 Vega, Lope de - Spanish dramatist
 Vegkop - battle in 1836
 Veii - falls to Rome in 396 BC
 Velasco Ibarra, José - president of Ecuador
 Velázquez, Diego
  - and Rubens
  - Waterseller of Seville
 Vende^e - rebellions during French Revolution
 Vendémiaire - uprising in Paris in year IV
 Venerable Bede
 Veneti - Indo-European tribe
 Venetia - ceded to Napoleon in 1805
  - returned in 1815 to Austrian rule
 Veneto - and Venice
  - tour through time
  - coast explored in 1499
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