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 Powderhall, Edinburgh
 Powell, Anthony
 Powell, Enoch
 Powell and Moya - Chichester Festival Theatre
 Power and the Glory (Greene)
 power loom - invented by Cartwright
 Powhatan confederacy - and Jamestown
 Powis Castle, Powys
 Powys - medieval Welsh principality
 Poynings, Edward - and Irish administration
 Poynings' Law - or the Statutes of Drogheda
 Poynting, John Henry
 Pozzuoli - and cement
 praetorian guard - and Roman emperors
 praetors - in Roman republic
 Pragmatic Sanction - of Bourges in 1438
  - of 1720
 Prague - and the first crusade
  - and Charles IV
  - university founded in 1348
  - Four Articles of the Hussites
  - defenestration of 1618
  - peace of 1635
  - captured by French in 1741
  - and Don Giovanni
  - Bohemian museum in 1818
  - treaty of 1866
  - and Hitler in 1939
 Prague, Compacts of - agreed in 1433
 prairie schooner - the Conestoga wagon
 Praise of Folly - by Erasmus
 Prasutagus - husband of Boudicca
 Pratt, Roger - Kingston Lacy
 Praxitiles - and the Cnidian Venus
 Prayer Book - and Cranmer
 PRB - in Benin
 PRD - in Mexico
 PRDS - in Mauritania
 precession of the equinoxes - Hipparchus
 Précieuses Ridicules - by Molière
 'precious stone set in a silver sea'
 Pre-Columbian - in American history
 predestination - and Augustine
  - and Calvin
 prefabrication - at Ironbridge in 1779
 pregnancy - in ancient Greece
  - in Roman Empire
 prehistory - compared with history
 premium bonds (in Britain)
 Premyslids - dynasty in Bohemia
 Prensa, La - and Chamorro
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