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 Petition of Right - of parliament in 1628
  - brief account
 pet passports - and rabies
 Petr Mikhailhov - alias Peter the Great
 Petra - on caravan route
  - the rock tombs
  - crowned poet laureate in 1341
  - and Boccaccio
 Petrie, Flinders
 Petrograd - new name for St Petersburg
  - February Revolution
  - October Revolution
  - ceases to be Russian capital
  - name changed to Leningrad in 1924
 Petrograd Soviet - Order No. 1 in 1917
 Petticoat Lane, London
 petuntse - in porcelain
 Petworth House, Sussex
 Peutinger Table - Roman road map
 Pevensey - and the Norman conquest
 Pevsner, Nikolaus
 Pfister, Albrecht - and illustrated books
 PFLO - in Oman
 Phaedo - by Plato
 Phaedrus - Plato on private reading
 Phaistos - palace in Minoan Crete
 phalanx - in Greek warfare
  - used by the Swiss
  - as a utopian Fourier community
 Phanariots - Greek officials
 Phantom of the Opera (musical)
 Pharisees - in the Sanhedrin
 pharmaceutical industry - history
 Pharmaceutical Society - founded
 pharmacies - in Baghdad
 pharmacology - history
 pharmacopoeias - in medieval Europe
  - eighteenth century
 pharmacy - organisation in eighteenth century
 Pharmacy Act (1852) - history
 Pharos - lighthouse at Alexandria
 Pharsalus - battle in 48 BC
 Phèdre - by Racine
 Pheidippides - runs from Athens to Sparta
 Phidias - statue of Athena for Parthenon
  - statue of Zeus at Olympia
  - workshop at Olympia
 Philadelphia - and William Penn
  - and the Continental Congress
  - captured by British in 1777
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