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 light - and Newton
  - speed calculated in 1676
 lighthouse - at Alexandria
 light microscope - history
  - 17th century microscopists
  - the discovery of spermatozoa
  - and 18th century medicine
  - becomes a research tool
  - 20th century developments
  - and cellular pathology
  - and germ theory
  - and glass technology
  - and invention of photography
  - and study of cells
  - and the development of histology
  - and theories of inheritance
  - and theories of life
 lightning conductor - and Franklin
 Light of the World (Holman Hunt)
 Ligny - battle in 1815
 Ligugé - early European monastery
 Ligurian Republic - and Napoleon
 Lij Yasu - emperor of Ethiopia
 Lilburne, John - and the Levellers
 Lili Marlene (song)
 Lilliburlero (tune)
 Lima - and New Peru
  - capital of viceroyalty of Peru
  - and San Martín in 1821
  - and Bolívar in 1823
  - Colombian embassy and Haya
  - hostage crisis in 1996-7
 Limburg brothers - and the duke of Berry
 Limerick - and the Vikings
  - treaty of 1691
 limerick (verse form)
 Lime Street (station)
 limeys - origin of phrase
  - brief account
 limited liability (company law)
 Lincoln - as Roman municipality
  - brief history of town
  - Lincoln Imp
 Lincoln, Abraham
  - and Thanksgiving
 Lincoln-Douglas debates - of 1858
 Lincoln's Inn - Inns of Court
 Lind, James - campaigns for shipboard cleanliness
  - on typhus
 Lindemann, Frederick - Lord Cherwell
 Lindisfarne, Northumberland - foundation of monastery
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