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 Lancet (journal)
 Lander, Richard - explorer in Africa
 land girls (in World Wars)
 Landmark Trust
 Land of Hope and Glory - Elgar
 Land of my Fathers
 Land Purchase Act - of 1903 in Ireland
 landscape gardening (in Britain)
 landscape painting - the earliest
 landscapes in watercolour - by Dürer
 Landseer, Edwin
  - and Nelson's Column
 Land's End (Cornwall)
 Landsgemeinde - in Schwyz in 1294
  - surviving in Appenzell
 Langdon-Down, John - at Royal Earlswood Hospital
  - founds Normansfield Hospital
 Langland, William - and Piers Plowman
 Langside - battle in 1568
 Langstroth, L. L. - and the 'bee space'
 Langton, Stephen - archbishop
  - and the Magna Carta of 1215
  - and the Magna Carta of 1225
  - brief biography
 Langtry, Lillie
 language and nationalism
  - in Bohemia
  - in Bulgaria
  - in Hungary
 languages - 5000 in world today
 Lanhydrock House, Cornwall
 Lansbury, George - and Clement Attlee
 L'Anse aux Meadows - Viking site
 Lanyon, Charles - Belfast botanic gardens
 Lanzarote - and the French in 1402
 Laozi - traditional founder of Daoism
 La Palma - falls to Spain in 1491
  - Royal Observatory
 lap dogs - in Rome
 La Plata - viceroyalty from 1776
 Lapps - in Scandinavia
 Lapworth, Charles - geological periods
 Larache - Carthaginian colony
 lardy cake
 Lares - Roman household gods
 Largs - battle in 1263
 Largs (Strathclyde)
 Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams)
 Larkin, Philip
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