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 Kohima - battle in 1944
 Koh-i-Nur - taken by Nadir Shah
  - brief account
 Kojiki - Japanese legends
 Kokinshu - Japanese anthology
 Kolingba, André - president of CAR
 Kolokol - published by Herzen
 Kololo - and Barotseland
 Konaré, Alpha - president of Mali
 Kongeloven - and Frederick III
 Kongo - in Angola
 Königgrätz - battle in 1866
 Königsberg - and Frederick I
 Konokoro - Speke and Baker in 1863
 Konya - capital of sultanate of Rum
  - battle in 1832
 Korda, Alexander
  - tour through time
  - and movable type
  - Japanese and Chinese rivalry to 1894
  - Japanese and Russian rivalry to 1904
  - Russo-Japanese war of 1904-5
 Korea, South - and Korean War
 Kornilov, Lavr - Russian general
 Koroma, Johnny - in Sierra Leone
 Korotkoff, Nikolai S - and blood pressure
  - and the stethoscope
 Koryo - origin of Korea
 Kosala - Indian kingdom
 Kosovo - battle in 1389
  - severed from Albania in 1912
 Kossuth, Lajos
 Köthen - and J.S. Bach
 Kotte - kingdom from the 15th century
 Kountché, Seyni - president of Niger
 kowtow - in China
 Krak des Chevaliers - Knights of St John
  - and castle architecture
 Krebs, Hans
 Krefeld - battle in 1758
 Kressenbrunn - battle in 1260
 Kriemhild - in the Nibelungenlied
 Krishna - avatar of Shiva
  - in the Mahabharata
 Kristallnacht - in 1938
 Kritios - Greek sculptor
 Kronborg - castle at Elsinore
 Kronstadt naval base - mutiny in 1921
 Kruger, Paul - British in the Transvaal
  - and the Boer War
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