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 Jerusalem - settled by Canaanites
  - city of David
  - Solomon's Temple
  - destruction in 586 BC
  - captured by Pompey in 63 BC
  - arrest of St Paul
  - siege of AD 70
  - as Aelia Capitolina
  - church of the Holy Sepulchre
  - finding the True Cross
  - sacked by Persians in AD 614
  - taken by Arabs in 638
  - and the first crusade
  - the Latin kingdom
  - surrenders to Saladin
  - briefly recovered by Frederick II
  - captured by Allenby in 1917
  - at centre of medieval maps
 Jerusalem (Blake)
  - in China
  - in Elizabethan England
  - in Ethiopia
  - in Latin America
  - in the Philippines
  - run 16th century hospitals
  - visiting Akbar
  - and Voltaire
 Jesuit's bark - history of the drug
  - and Sir Robert Talbor
  - and Aramaic
  - and Pontius Pilate
  - as a prophet in Islam
 Jesus College, Cambridge - and Coleridge
 jewel in the crown - India
 Jewel in the Crown (TV)
 Jewish Antiquities - by Josephus
 Jewish calendar - lunar and solar cycles
 Jewish Chronicle (in Britain)
 Jewish chronology - origins
 Jewish Diaspora - from the 6th century BC
 Jewish War - history by Josephus
 Jew of Malta - by Marlowe
  - tour through time
  - massacred in Jerusalem by crusaders
  - and Edward I
  - welcomed to Istanbul in 1492
  - in Britain
  - blamed for the spread of cholera
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