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 Goodbye Mr Chips (Hilton)
 Goodbye to All That (Graves)
 Good Companions (Priestley)
 Good Food Guide (in Britain)
 Good Friday Agreement - in 1998
 Good Life (TV series)
 Good Neighbour policy - of F.D. Roosevelt
 Goodwin Sands
 Goodwood House
  - Glorious Goodwood
 Goody - Irish Travellers' cake
 Goonhilly Downs - and Telstar
 Goon Show
 Goossens family
 Gordon, Charles - and the Sudan
  - brief biography
  - Eminent Victorians
 Gordon Riots - in 1780
  - brief account
 Gordonstoun (school)
 Gore, Spencer - and Camden Town Group
 Gorée - French and Dutch in 1677
 Göreme - and rock-cut architecture
 Gorizia - captured by Italy in 1916
 Görk Türk - first Turkish empire
 Gorlice - battle in 1915
 Gorsedd - and the Eisteddfod
 Gorst, Eldon - British administrator in Egypt
 Gort, Lord - and BEF 1939
 Goshen - republic of 1882
 Gospels - in New Testament
 Göta canal - completed in 1832
 Gothic - as a term
  - phases in England
  - in Britain
 Gothic Line - in Italy in 1943
 Gothic Revival
  - brief account
  - Castle Ward
  - Inveraray
  - Sezincote
  - Strawberry Hill
 Goths - in 2nd century BC
  - 3rd century AD
  - and Arianism
 Gotland - ceded by Denmark to Sweden
 Gotthard, St - Alpine pass and the Swiss
 Götzen, Count von - and Rwanda
  - and the Maji-Maji rising
 Götz von Berlichingen - by Goethe
 GOU - Argentinian junta
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