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 corn - transplanted from America
 Corn Laws - till 1846
  - brief account
 Cornaro chapel - by Bernini
 corned beef
 Corneille, Pierre
  - and Giacomo Torelli
 Cornish - and the Bretons
 Cornish beam engine
 Cornish inscriptions - on slipware
 Cornish pasty
 Cornwall - visited by Pytheas
  - tin for Carthage
  - and the West Welsh
 Cornwallis, Charles - American Revolution
 Coronado, Francisco de - conquistador
 Coronation (in Britain)
 Coronation Chair (Westminster Abbey)
 Coronation chicken
 Coronel - sea battle in 1914
 coroner (in Britain)
 corporal punishment (in Britain)
 Corporation Act - in 1661
  - and Clarendon Code
 Corpus Christi - and mystery plays
 corridors of power (the phrase)
 Corrientes - in War of the Triple Alliance
 Corries, The - Flower of Scotland
 Corsi, Jacopo - and the first opera
 Corsica - as Roman province
  - annexed by Vandals
  - and Muslim raids
  - and Napoleon
 Cort, Henry
  - iron and steel
 Cortes - 13th-century Spain and Portugal
  - in Cadiz in 1810
 Cortes, Hernando
  - the Barberini palace
 Corumbá - in War of the Triple Alliance
 Corunna - engagement of 1809
  - brief account
 corvée - in 18th-century Bohemia
 Cosgrave, William - and the Free State
 Così fan tutte - by Mozart
 Cosimo I - grand duke of Tuscany
 Cosimo de' Medici - or pater patriae
  - tour through time
 Cossacks - rebellion of 1648-57
  - and Siberia
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