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 Children's crusades - of AD 1212-30
 Children's Hour (radio programme)
  - tour through time
  - and the Spanish
 chili - first cultivated
 Chillingham cattle
 Chillington Manor - Maidstone
 Chillon - Jews and the Black Death
 Chilpancingo - congress in 1813
 Chiltern Hundreds
 Chiluba, Frederick - president of Zambia
 Chimkent - and death of Timur
 chimney sweeps - in Glasgow
 Chimú - Andean culture
  - tour through time
  - creation story
  - writing
  - bamboo books
  - ancient armies
  - first coins
  - the Great Wall
  - spread of Buddhism
  - dominoes and playing cards
  - and the Black Death
  - agreement on territory at Yalta
  - buys Egyptian cotton
 china clay - or kaolin
 china stone - or petuntse
 china-ware - reduced to china
 Chinchon, Countess of - and Jesuit's bark
 Chindits - in Burma
  - brief account
 Chinese - in the Australian gold fields
 Chinese in Britain
 Chinese - most spoken language
 Chinese Exclusion Act - in 1882
 Chinese script - advantage of non-phonetic
 Chinese-Japanese war - of 1894-5
 chinoiserie - in western decorative arts
  - brief account
 Chinon - Joan of Arc and Charles VII
 Chinsura - Dutch trading station
 Chioggia - siege of 1379-80
 Chipewayan, Fort - and Mackenzie
 Chippendale, Thomas
  - Harewood House
  - Nostell Priory
 Chipperfield, Jimmy - safari parks
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